Sex Therapy

Do you feel uncomfortable talking about sex or sexuality? What about feeling sexually frustrated or less confident about sex? In reality most folks do. What many mental health professionals would identify as stressors when dealing with sexual issues is no odd phenomenon. In fact most would be considered pretty normal and a struggle. Often times we’ve experienced growing up with our parents being secretive about sex and they were also not the best communicators about it. And to add to that, their parents were probably even more secretive and non-communicative about sex and so goes on what we call an intergenerational cycle. Hence the awkwardness when it comes to talking about and engaging in sex.
I am honored to be a part of the journey that couples and individuals can face when dealing with sexual issues because of the immense potential for personal growth that can take place for those willing to invest the time to face these issues. Feel free to call me today for a free 15-minute phone consultation, or get a sense for what sex therapy involves at one of my low-cost workshops.
Common issues I address include:
Questions or concerns about your sexuality or gender identity.
Mental health services for sex workers.
Managing sexual minority stressors.
Struggling to talk to your partner about sex.
Erectile Issues.
Experiencing pain during sex.
Struggling to enjoy sex.
Suffering a sexual trauma.
Difficulty obtaining an orgasm.